Tuesday, June 26, 2007

NEW ZEALAND (S.) - WINTERFEST 2007 – Queenstown

At -6degrees Celcius outside, you know that everyone must have a good reason for wanting to brave the cold and take to the streets of Queenstown after dark. How about some great bands on stages wharf-side and village-central, and a lil’ bit of fireworks to top it off?! Everyone had a reason to join in for a little dancing in the streets… cuz you’ll otherwise F-REEZE!

After catching the tail-end of the fireworks over the lake from the opposite side (I was still on my journey back from Milford,) I met up with Jack & Weronica and a couple new friends stage-side in the center of Queenstown. We danced a bit and then at the completion of the band’s performance we hid in the warmth of the World Bar for a brew (and so I could finally grab a quick meal.) A couple friends (from the night before, who had been on the Conitki Tour w/Jack) joined us, and we ventured down the street.

Altitude, a local club, was far more hoppin’ than the teapot shot scene at World Bar… and accumulated quite a crowd for late-night dancing. It was almost like a backpacker bus ‘spring-break’ party scene, to describe it. All it took was the start of some table dancing, and I said my “Tchaus” to my new friends and was on my way back to Pinewood Lodge to catch some zzz’s.

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