Monday, June 11, 2007

FRASER ISLAND - Another Beautiful Day... - QUEENSLAND

Another beautiful day… but something is different… something in the air – sunrise is gorgeous – Kerri and I are playing around on the beach with a small handful of new friends, Dingoes are wandering very close by, and the sun brings in that early morning orange-glow upon our faces. Cold feet and cool air… it’s a special time to enjoy the ‘highway’ hours before the cars are flying 80km+ down the fresh sand tracks!

And that feeling of ‘something in the air’ – well that was tied to a dream that was about to come true for me – to FLY in a very small (non-commerical jetliner) plane! I made a spontaneous decision within a couple minutes to partake in this opportunity – sitting co-pilot, taking off on the freshly washed in sand runway, and above the turquoise clear-blue waters and sand dunes of forested Fraser Island – there I was! WOW! An exhilarating feeling! I expected (for so many years now) that a flight in a plane this size would be extremely rough – bouncy and wind-drifted… to my surprise it was absolutely peaceful… even the loud noise of the engine and propeller weren’t a bother -- the sights were far too fabulous! I spent the entire flight in disbelief that I was actually flying like this! We cruised around the island for about 20 mins, which was FANTASTIC! We had a chance to see Lake McKenzie and Lake Wabby (where we were yesterday) from above… and all of the sand dunes we walked and how thick the forest cover was where we drove. The landing, was the softest ever (probably because it’s a small plane settling onto fine lil’ sand grains!)

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