Monday, June 4, 2007

BYRON BAY ...and Tallow Beach - NEW SOUTH WALES, OZ

Hmmmm…. A gorgeous beach, highlighted by the ideal looking lighthouse on the rugged peak jutting in between the bay and ocean… and miles upon miles of more beach just around the corner... and tucked inside the sands is the town of Byron Bay – filled with delicious lil’ cafes, natural food stores, and all sorts of spiritual and new age products... hammocks, bike trails, surf boards, yoga classes, surf kites, kayaks… yeah, I could easily handle living here!

To top off an already incredible area, I was in shock with my newest dorm mate, Julia. She left the room at 5:45am (this was following the night I arrived, and before we met)… but she left without her stuff! I figured she must be a ‘live-in’ at the beach house, but come to find out she went for a 2-hr journey, to run to the lighthouse for sunrise! MY IDOL! So, needless to say, we were inseperable from that moment forward… lovin' our adventure to Tallow Beach... well, that was until Julia sprained her ankle so terribly that she had to return and was bed-bound for two days…:( I volunteered myself as the ice pack, cappuccino and choc chip cookie nurse! The guys running our guesthouse were requesting my nurse services by the time I left! ;)

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