Sunday, June 24, 2007

NEW ZEALAND (S.) - GOING for the PASS!!! - Round up the convoy!

A little bit of “Magic” and a few “Kiwis”… 6 backpacker buses (containing the pack of us that accumulated in Franz Josef & Fox Glacier) took off in hope that the pass would be open by the time we arrived… and so we ventured. It was quite the coordination on Dave & Rachael’s part to organize all of us according to where we were going and make sure that nobody was on a toilet run when the bus was ready to roll… kudos to them! We had a few brief stops – Fox Glacier (backpacker ‘rescue’,) Haast Township (for snacks and much-needed toilet runs,) and Thunder Creek Falls (to simply enjoy a gorgeous waterfall and few steps under the lush trees lining the path to get there!... and to allow the other bus companies to go ahead!)… then – the ICY/SNOWY roads…

It was a slow, and enjoyable journey (well, for us as passengers that is – I certainly wouldn’t want to be driving the roads we were presented with!) We made a pass by the bus that had been stuck on the pass for a couple days, but other than that – things were calm and the weather was absolutely beautiful!

We arrived into Queenstown so late that we could see the snowcat lights slowly streaming across the top of Coronet Peak… gaining excitement… wishing the bungy bridge (1st commercial bungy operation in the world) was still open! Each of us ditched our things in our respective lodges and raced into the center of town to line up our activities for the following day… it’s adrenaline central in Queenstown!

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