Saturday, April 28, 2007

LUANG PRABANG, LAOS - Washing of the Buddha… the completion of the New Year ritual

Hoping to catch sunset from a higher point of the peninsula in Luang Prabang, I ventured to the main temple where local people were visitng from all over to participate in their yearly ritual of offerings (flowers, burning incense, and other natural items) and the washing of the Buddha. It was an interesting visit, as it was part festival, part ritual, and part normal every day wandering and visiting at a local temple. I had a chance to visit with one of the young monks who is living at the temple for 5 years – he’s from the north (Phongsali) and is very well spoken. I realized that their curiosity/fascination with me as a tourist/foreigner, is the same as my fascination with the life they are leading… a beautiful exchange of culture!

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