Wednesday, April 11, 2007

“Are you a local?” – ahhh, the love of Sadza/Pap/Miele

At the Vic Falls airport in Zimbabwe, I was asked if I was a local, after I ordered the most common local dish (v. all of the American menu options) -- I think I had them shocked that I like Sadza/Pap/Miele (it's like a mixture between mashed potatoes and cream of wheat...and has several different names, depending on which country you're in, in Africa.) Why in the world would I waste my time traveling across seas to eat a burger and fries or chicken salad?!
Atop are a couple pics from organizing my stuff in my room at Savanna Lodge (which basically entailed drying everything that I had left in my pocket at the falls!)... and a sunset photo from the plane en route to Jo'burg.

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