Sunday, April 15, 2007

By walking-bus-train-boat-taxi & plane! - THAILAND

It’s not too shocking that I’d pack too much into one day… this day, it’s modes of transport. I made a decision last night to try and catch an overnight train down to Surat Thani, in an effort to reach some of Thailand’s eastern Islands… my walk to the tour agency left me with a plane ticket there tonight! (There were no sleeping trains available for the next couple days, and two of my new friends from Germany were going to head the same direction – so we’re taking a taxi together to our flight!
Here’s a little taste of what Thailand’s transport is like – and how cheap it can be!
WALKING… right now, during Songkran, this is still a bit of a challenge, as you are most likely to get drenched en route to wherever you’re going! (FREE – of course!)
BUS… the local bus in Bangkok is actually pretty good – mind you I did manage to catch one that had seats available. With the windows open, it’s a breeze (literally!) A woman walks around to your seat to collect your fare in a long silver money tube that she opens and closes pretty rapidly, and in doing so, she can also manage to mark your ticket with a perfect tear… you would think she had scissors! Just in case, our tickets were double checked by the male security guy on board too… no messin’ around! (7 Baht = <$0.25cents) TRAIN… the Sky Train in Bangkok is such a treat – city views from above, air conditioning, and it’s super-clean! …and the best part was that it travels all the way from the Chatuchak Market (a huge market alongside a big park) down to the river through the city center of Siam… (40 Baht = ~$1.25) BOAT… the express boats on the Chao Phraya River are wonderful! They usually show up every 10 minutes, or less! They offer probably the most refreshing cooling air, as it is open space between the big city buildings. Make sure to plug your ears if you’re super sensitive to whistling, as the local guys whistle all sorts of combinations to the main boat captain to let him know to go forward, backward, or towards the dock… at EVERY stop! (13 Baht = ~$.045cents) TAXI… the taxis are plentiful, and very colorful – many in bright pink, actually! The only catch with the Taxis is to ensure that they use their meter, as they LOVE to wheel-n-deal with tourists who don’t know better! They’re actually pretty clean inside, and usually very well decorated with all sorts of trinkets that hold a meaning with the driver – whatever helps us all to get from point A to B, works for me! It’s great when they play the local radio – I can enjoy their music and laugh at my lack of understanding even 1 word of Thai! (Airport to/from City Center ~400 Baht = ~$14)…share w/friends! FLIGHT… Bangkok Air will be a new experience for me… you certainly can’t beat a quick 1+hr journey to the Island of Ko Samui from Bangkok! ($2,950 Baht = ~$85)

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