Tuesday, March 27, 2007


For those of you who have been to Joshua Tree in California, or have at least seen pictures – Spitzkoppe is very similar… just a bit smaller in overall size. The rock formations look, and feel the same, and you car camp at the base… just like J-Tree!
We took off for a hike up to a back bowl of one of the formations to see some bushmen paintings (mostly of the various African animals, but there were some of trance dances – which were very eye-catching for me,) and also then hiked to a few more found at the base of Spitzkoppe (the main peak) itself. Rock dassies (like little prairie dogs) scrambled around rather quickly as we made our final little uphill ascent to a natural rock bridge (very similar to Arches Nat’l Park in Moab, UT) to enjoy sunset. I discovered that we had a perfect opportunity to photo our group shadows, and that turned into a fun & spontaneous ‘dance’ event. We grabbed our headlamps upon returning to camp – and a cold beer (we’re still in the desert, and it’s still very hot!)… and then worked our way back into a cave to eat dinner and chill around the campfire.

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