Friday, March 30, 2007

Kavango River – high waters & sinking boats

Where the sun and moon reflect equidistantly off the water... the Kavango River is side-lined by tall, golden grass fields swaying in the wind and filled with crocodiles who surface their appearance on occasion. Angola lines one side of this river, and Namibia lines the side we're on... the Angolan border/guard station can be seen far off in a diagonal direction, and the curiosity to set foot into this Portuguese-speaking region stretches far beyond setting foot on the river islands.
The area was currently flooded, which forced our group to be boated in & out from our campsite, vs. being able to drive across a small bridge to get there. One was a power boat, and the other was the slow wooden platform, atop two canoes boat... the latter became our sunset cruise later on our first evening in the area... which sprung a hole upon 'docking' in Angola, and then took in so much water that we all had to shift to one side to balance the weight as we attmepted to make it back to the lodge before sinking... the real problem here didn't seem to be the non-existence of life jackets on board, so much as the crocodiles that would be happy to have a little extra dinner this particular evening -- ahhhhhhhh, the beauty of adventure! :)

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