Monday, March 19, 2007

The Red Glow of Sunrise - Cape Town, S. Africa

Upon arriving into Cape Town, the sun was just beginning to rise up from behind the mountains -- offering an indescribable red glow as the back drop. Perfect blue skies -- no cloud to be seen (very rare for Cape Town!)
Jumped in a shuttle to Green Point and managed to catch an hour of zzz's as we sat in the rush-hour traffic at turtle pace. Arriving back at Big Blue was exciting, as my friend Karen was at the desk when I walked in! Shocked her -- for sure! After settling up on settling in (interesting way to phrase it!)... I walked down to my fave organic coffee cafe for a chill on their outdoor patio -- a very different experience from previous visits, as it's WARM here now! LOVE SUMMER!
Film crews were spread throughout the city filming various things... not sure what, but I seemed to cross paths with them everywhere. I took a long meander into downtown Cape Town to find Allard - my friend I've been working with via e-mail for a month now... so we could FINALLY meet in person... I actually ended up walking myself into a spontaneous business meeting instead, as I happened to meet a manager at the 1st location I went to -- which was pretty groovy! Then I was able to make it over to these cool studio lofts to meet w/Allard -- I think we were both in disbelief we were actually hanging out in person. Their lounge made for a living-room style visit, which was s-weet!
I had to ditch the capris and switch to a tank top & shorts before heading to the waterfront to pick-up a smoothie and wrap to take to the beach... sat on a bench and did NOTHING... which led me back to the hostel for a shower and few hour nap, before getting up to start the writing/blogging/etc...
TOMORROW... Devil's Peak or Lion's Head awaits my hiking fancy!

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