Tuesday, July 3, 2007

NEW ZEALAND (N.) - Coramandel Beach & Whitianga

Hot beach, ‘Cool’ cove, and Maori-Style Bone Carving

“Sunrise, sunrise…” as Norah Jones would sing… ahhhhhhhhh, another magical morning on the beach, awaiting the sun’s glow! After such a great hike around town yesterday, I was jazzed to be up and enjoying a light cruise on foot across the small black rocks that comprise Napier’s beach. With pink clouds glowing over the distant peaks, bright yellow-orange outlining the clouds over the ocean, cool morning air, a cup of steaming Esquire’s coffee in hand, and silence all around – who wouldn’t be lovin’ it?! Along with 3 other people I could see in either direction, the beach was ours… lovely!

Cruising through Karangahake Gorge, just before the famed town of Paero, for NeZ’s L&P drink (too sweet for me!) – I switched buses in Thames to head up the Coramandel Peninsula. Driving alongside a cigar-shaped volcanic crater and past many lush green farms, it was a good day to cruise to the beach… especially one with a hot spring that feeds into the backside of it’s rocky point. With spades (shovels, that is) in hand, we took off across a pretty bustling little stream cut through the sand and started digging for warm water! It only took a scoop or two, and then you could begin to enjoy at least a super-hot foot bath (too hot at times,) and eventually sit in your own sand-tub if you wished!

Continuing on thru the day, passing beautiful homes lining the curvatures of the land bordered by Mercury Bay, we arrived at the walk track to Cathedral Cove. A quick 45-minute journey down to the sandy beaches below, I found myself in awe of how big the rock arch is! To add to the amazement, there are a couple stand-alone pillars that have been weathered away less than 10ft off-shore… stunning! To top off the shock of natural wonders, I met a family along the trail with 7 kids!!!... talk about making my life seem simple! ;) I was inspired to see them taking a journey by foot together!
After the hype and excitement of all sorts of things outside, we took a retreat inside... into a bone carving studio, after taking a ferry across the little riverway in Whitianga. There, I made a fish hook, symbolizing a whale tail into it - as I had just seen many whales recently... and wanted this Maori representation of strength, prosperity and safe travel over water, to have a little extra addition... as I find my 'song'. It was quite a process... took over 4 hours to work with electric drill files, sanding, washing and polishing... the steps and care needed to produce 1 little bone carving is unreal! It was a joy to learn and gain a greater appreciation for this ever-popular jewel in New Zealand.

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